My name is Elisa Scott. I’ve been involved with animals since I was old enough to walk. This website is a way to avail myself to projects involving animals such as wildlife adventure shows or helping displaced wildlife or domestic animals.
I am an animal person with varied levels of hands-on experience working with wildlife and domestic animals. I have an enhanced understanding of certain animals because I hand-reared orphaned animals and was their human mother. When they became adults we still were able to communicate, thus allowing me to really understand them. In that way I can say I can communicate with animals, thus giving me a real understanding of the animal world. These topics will be touched upon in my monthly newsletter. Eventually I will have a blog. Would encourage like-minded people to join in on the musings.
Past Experience:
- Stable hand and guide, NY
- Animal rescuer (since age 8)
- Zoo Keeper for 3 yrs, NY
- Estate manager, (care of herd of horses, grounds) OR
- Biologist for Fish & Wildlife, Oregon
- Fisheries Observer, Alaska
- Intern at Wildlife Rehabilitation clinic, Fla
- Operations Manager, Dog Day Care Center NYC
- Mounted Officer, (briefly) NY
- Certified ASPCA feral cat Trap-Neuter-Release program
- Studied T-touch for 1 yr, concentrating on dogs
Please email me with questions or concerns regarding an animal or animals. Please contact your local wildlife rehabilitator if you find injured wildlife, most baby birds have a mother nearby, calling for them. Observe the baby (if it’s in a dangerous spot move it a short distance to safety), if you wait quietly and listen keenly, you may hear the mother call and the baby answer. If the baby seems dehydrated and losing energy, put in a cardboard box, keep it quiet and warm and contact a rehabber.